The rogue advises the Laughing moons about some rumours and tid-bits of information she had gathered (over the 3 years she was attached to one of his commando units) about the Black Duke's lair:
- The Beholder's name is: XxorZanxx
- His underwater lair is located somewhere out in the ocean off the Sword Coast.
- Raff has heard that there may be a small hidden dock or port(?) refuge at sea level - for supplies are usually delivered by pirates or freebooters.
- one older guard far into his cups, mentioned there are MANY traps and strange monsters as the Black Duke and 'Xx' ( 'Ex-ex' - the beholder's nickname - not to his face!) collect creatures of all types for nefarious means... experiments.. duels.. and even stranger needs.
- She has never met the Black Duke. Heard that the Black Duke is a humanoid - probably human - some said he was close to 8' tall. Always seen in full BLACK plate armour. None ever saw his face - was under a full-face helm. He wields a massive trident in one hand with shield or using the weapon in both hands.
- One pirate Captain delivering supplies to the lair mentioned after making a delivery of seeing a miniature cat with gold fur with reflective green eyes and bat-like wings flying out and about from the entrance.. it seemed to be intelligent..
- The lair has many strange contraptions - steam-powered possibly.. some act as guards.