As we rejoin our heroes, they sail the Astral sea coming upon the edge of the world. A pinpoint of light off to starboard was seen which a few party members deduce is the Lighthouse. Here, the lighthouse guides all whom travel the Astral plane. Without it, travellers would be doomed to be lost, and perhaps fall off the edge of the Astral world.. into nothing.
A massive storm rages along the edge, so the Captain confers with Aust and party, they must take the airship into the relatively safe area near the small island upon which the lighthouse sits.
Some deft crewman-ship and the ship is safe, Rezka leaping to shore at the small dock to tie the ship secure.
The Party sees a winding path going up a hill to a small ruin and then further up to a cliff with a rope-bridge over to a smaller but taller island where the lighthouse is located. A battle is going on between four figures! One bowman on the bridge fights another bowman and 2 cloaked figures dual with sword and dirk.
A number of things all happen at once. One bowman near the lighthouse, shoots the other - on the bridge - and with a gurgling cry, he tumbles into the Astral sea! Aust directs Namfoodle to use his magicks to save the man. Calling upon one of his more potent spells, the wizard conjures a large disembodied hand (Bigby's Hand) which scoops the dying man out of the sea. Aust uses his bardic magic to heal the man and attacks the figures with the rest of the party.
Arjhan, decides to take the battle to them and races up the path way. At a certain point the massive 20' giant appears ahead and with a wave of his hand he glumly mumbles some words and a duplicate of Arjhan appears before him and attacks the dragonborn!
Meanwhile, Reinhardt and Rurrick step off the ship and taking position fire their rifle and pistol at the figures near the lighthouse. As the stand off the path, strange vines start to wrap about their legs, draining their life essence!
The battling continues - Arjhan using a brilliant move to grab his duplicate and with a mighty heave, the dragonborn hurls the enemy into the Astral sea to not be seen again. (1 inspiration point to Arjhan!)
Dueling with spells, cannon - Captain Borneo firing some grapeshot - and rifles, they finally defeat the final two enemies. It seems there were only two, they had also been fighting their duplicates! A few magic items are quickly looted. A snake - which was wrapped around the wrist of one opponent they try to tame - which with Reinhardt fast moves is able to grasp it before it strikes. In the end they dip into the Astral sea it loses all memories and Namfoodle is able to speak to it as a normal small beast!
After some more battles with duplicates - and Arjhan hurling one more off into the sea - they confront the giant whom is chained and secure on the island top. They learn he has been there for eons, doomed to guard the lighthouse.
Aust, Rurrick, Arjhan and Reinhardt (after a delay) venture up to the lighthouse . Aust gathers some of the strange plant life (using magehand).
Climbing the winding staircase, they reach the top and the massive globe has something inside. After a moment, one after another, they are pulled in. They meet the 'light' - stargem. It is a deva angel. She has been the light for many 1000s of years here.
After some discussion, they realize (with an awe-inspiring godlike insight by Aust - rolled a 41) that they can 'take' the stargem (Deva) with them to fulfill the quest. Another must willingly take on the role of the light in the Astral sea, or all wayfarers will be doomed become lost and perish in the Astral plane. (1 inspiration point to Aust!)
Aust looks to be the only one of the Laughing Moons willing but with his recent knowledge has come upon a possible optional solution, rather than giving up himself for the next 1000 years...
Laughing Moon Tavern
Connor (Aust) draws the Laughing Moon Tavern mainfloor with tavern, kitchen, and rooms.
A busy night in the Tavern with all of the Laughing Moons, friends and associates!
A busy night in the Tavern with all of the Laughing Moons, friends and associates!
The Lighthouse at the end of the world
Last time our heroes were preparing for the last stage of the grand quest to keep the Chained One - Tharizdun - slumbering.
The crew of the Moon's Wings meet their master and commander. It seems the ship and crew came from from another plane - where technology was much more common and the ship and crew had been battling a large all metal giant so the timing for the wish had been perfect!
As Aust explored his new airship, the rooms seem to flow and form even as he saw them and thought what they should/would(?) look like! He imagined a lavish Captains quarters and the room was exactly as he thought. With a word from the wizard, he thought of a small alchemy lab where magic items, scrolls and more could be enchanted - came into being. The armory was fully stocked with rifle and pistols with over 100 rounds of ammunition!
Morthos continued to study and research the Rod of 3 parts. The warlock determined that 1 rod could allow a wielder to open a gate to the Astral plane, 2 and 3 rods attached could create a gate that much larger even large enough to take the new airship! Beneficial since they would be on the Astral Sea where if mortals touch it they lose their memories..
Namfoodle and Aust take an enchanted and trapped chest from an early adventure - infused with powerful magic of a godly nature - out into the woods outside MoonLanding Outpost. After some investigation, dispelling of magic and more they are able to open and discover an extremely powerful weapon. The Knife of Lordly Might (similar to the rod), a bag of dust and an empty spot in the felt-lined chest.
Rurrick joins the 2 and after some research they determine the dust is magical and Namfoodle sprinkles some on Rurrick! He then disappears!
Rurrick appears in a shadowy grand court, filled with many tall elves and a variety of fey creatures dancing and entertaining. All this stops as the dwarf appears. All eyes turn towards the dwarf. A tall elf with pale skin approaches and confronts the dwarf. After some discussion Rurrick agrees to part with a magic item for disturbing the event. A jacket of disguise borrowed from Aust!
Rurrick is transported back and safe. As Aust and Namfoodle determine there was an invisible glass that fills with any liquid whispered to it. As well, further searching finds a secret compartment that acts as a bag of holding as well as multiple bars of adamantite!
Arjhan works more in the tavern and negotiates with the Sergeant of the airship to create a pistol-claw - similar to Captain Borneo's.
Reinhardt spends a great deal of time training Blackburn in the ways of the martial arts.
The Laughing Moons make ready and Morthos after a ritual melds the 3 Rods into his sword. The tiefling realizes the weapon has become a relic in power now... opening the gate to the Astral plane, the airship Moon's Wings flies through..
A vast purple and dark sea spreads out before them in all directions. Some perceptive members of the party see a pin-point of light off to starboard. The StarGem! Aust tells the Captain to make course!
After traveling for some time, they see three massive creatures approaching them. Cannons are made ready, the ballista is moved and loaded. A number of shots go wide some hitting, Arjhan fires his rifle and hits, Namfoodle hits one with a flamebolt and it seems to have no detrimental affect.. rather the opposite! Lighting blasts from the creatures rock the ship and nearly knock some crew overboard! 2 of the massive creatures reach the ship and start to pull it down and attack. The third creature seems to be able to disable magic! A rifle shot by Arjhan breaking the concentration of the antimagic at a desperate time! Icestorm spell by Namfoodle seems to have extra effect on the creatures! Battling back and forth the party finally defeats two of the creatures.. the third, seeing its peril flies off. Victory!
As one of the massive creatures start to tumble towards the Astral depths, the party realizes in horror that one of its massive claws is stuck in the deck and is dragging the airship down. A quick blow by three of the Laughing Moons severs the clawed finger and it falls into the sea with a great plume water. A vast claw and some flesh of the finger of the Astral Titan is now a souvenir.
The Moon's Wings flies onward. The light gets brighter and it looks like there is a lighthouse on a small island ahead. It seems though the island is on the the edge of a vast cliff. As far as the eye can see in both directions the Astral sea tumbles over a vast ledge into.. who knows.
As the ship gets closer, the winds pickup and it seems a storm rages on the edge of the world here..
The crew of the Moon's Wings meet their master and commander. It seems the ship and crew came from from another plane - where technology was much more common and the ship and crew had been battling a large all metal giant so the timing for the wish had been perfect!
As Aust explored his new airship, the rooms seem to flow and form even as he saw them and thought what they should/would(?) look like! He imagined a lavish Captains quarters and the room was exactly as he thought. With a word from the wizard, he thought of a small alchemy lab where magic items, scrolls and more could be enchanted - came into being. The armory was fully stocked with rifle and pistols with over 100 rounds of ammunition!
Morthos continued to study and research the Rod of 3 parts. The warlock determined that 1 rod could allow a wielder to open a gate to the Astral plane, 2 and 3 rods attached could create a gate that much larger even large enough to take the new airship! Beneficial since they would be on the Astral Sea where if mortals touch it they lose their memories..
Namfoodle and Aust take an enchanted and trapped chest from an early adventure - infused with powerful magic of a godly nature - out into the woods outside MoonLanding Outpost. After some investigation, dispelling of magic and more they are able to open and discover an extremely powerful weapon. The Knife of Lordly Might (similar to the rod), a bag of dust and an empty spot in the felt-lined chest.
Rurrick joins the 2 and after some research they determine the dust is magical and Namfoodle sprinkles some on Rurrick! He then disappears!
Rurrick appears in a shadowy grand court, filled with many tall elves and a variety of fey creatures dancing and entertaining. All this stops as the dwarf appears. All eyes turn towards the dwarf. A tall elf with pale skin approaches and confronts the dwarf. After some discussion Rurrick agrees to part with a magic item for disturbing the event. A jacket of disguise borrowed from Aust!
Rurrick is transported back and safe. As Aust and Namfoodle determine there was an invisible glass that fills with any liquid whispered to it. As well, further searching finds a secret compartment that acts as a bag of holding as well as multiple bars of adamantite!
Arjhan works more in the tavern and negotiates with the Sergeant of the airship to create a pistol-claw - similar to Captain Borneo's.
Reinhardt spends a great deal of time training Blackburn in the ways of the martial arts.
The Laughing Moons make ready and Morthos after a ritual melds the 3 Rods into his sword. The tiefling realizes the weapon has become a relic in power now... opening the gate to the Astral plane, the airship Moon's Wings flies through..
A vast purple and dark sea spreads out before them in all directions. Some perceptive members of the party see a pin-point of light off to starboard. The StarGem! Aust tells the Captain to make course!
After traveling for some time, they see three massive creatures approaching them. Cannons are made ready, the ballista is moved and loaded. A number of shots go wide some hitting, Arjhan fires his rifle and hits, Namfoodle hits one with a flamebolt and it seems to have no detrimental affect.. rather the opposite! Lighting blasts from the creatures rock the ship and nearly knock some crew overboard! 2 of the massive creatures reach the ship and start to pull it down and attack. The third creature seems to be able to disable magic! A rifle shot by Arjhan breaking the concentration of the antimagic at a desperate time! Icestorm spell by Namfoodle seems to have extra effect on the creatures! Battling back and forth the party finally defeats two of the creatures.. the third, seeing its peril flies off. Victory!
As one of the massive creatures start to tumble towards the Astral depths, the party realizes in horror that one of its massive claws is stuck in the deck and is dragging the airship down. A quick blow by three of the Laughing Moons severs the clawed finger and it falls into the sea with a great plume water. A vast claw and some flesh of the finger of the Astral Titan is now a souvenir.

As the ship gets closer, the winds pickup and it seems a storm rages on the edge of the world here..
A wish from a Efreet becomes an Airship!
The Moons Wings
The encounter with the efreet in the bottle has brought an airship - The Moon's Wings - to be floating above the Laughing Moon Tower/Inn/Tavern.

There looks to be 2 cannons on the ship, one at the stern on a swivel mount and a much larger cannon right below the bow-spit coming out of the mouth of a lion figurehead.
The sail is the now famous insignia of the Laughing Moons.
Looking up you see the four crew:
Captain Borneo:
A tall dark-skinned human dressed all in blue with a wide-brimmed hat, a long coat and a large claw like mechanism on his right hand. He smokes a pipe at most times of the day..
First Mate: Sister Morwen
Female Aasimar wearing leather and plate. Her black gauntlets drip and swirl with holy (or unholy?) blue energy.
The Look-out: Rezka
This skeletal figure stands 8' in height. The skeleton wears a kilt and a vest. A helmet from a long forgotten army perched on his head. The skillfully climbs the ropes and rigging with hands only and often perches at top of the mast or the bow-spit.

The Gunner: Sergeant
A stout dwarf, most of his beard is burned away, as well as hair on one side of his head, where he now has quite a number of intricate tatoos. The Dwarf is covered in a variety of weapons, all mechanical and blasting powder type..
The encounter with the efreet in the bottle has brought an airship - The Moon's Wings - to be floating above the Laughing Moon Tower/Inn/Tavern.

The sail is the now famous insignia of the Laughing Moons.
Looking up you see the four crew:

Captain Borneo:
A tall dark-skinned human dressed all in blue with a wide-brimmed hat, a long coat and a large claw like mechanism on his right hand. He smokes a pipe at most times of the day..
First Mate: Sister Morwen
Female Aasimar wearing leather and plate. Her black gauntlets drip and swirl with holy (or unholy?) blue energy.
The Look-out: Rezka

The Gunner: Sergeant
A stout dwarf, most of his beard is burned away, as well as hair on one side of his head, where he now has quite a number of intricate tatoos. The Dwarf is covered in a variety of weapons, all mechanical and blasting powder type..
Pickles, cryptic message and the Bounty
The Laughing Moons spend some more time around their base and the MoonLanding Outpost hamlet, resting and recovering.
Morthos confirmed the Rod of 3 Parts would allow the holder to open a gate and transport the party to the Astral Plane. He started to attune with one of the 3 rods and it melded itself into his pact weapon enhancing the blade dramatically! Morthos determines that if the other 2 rods are added he thinks it may enhance his weapon even more.. he is not sure if it has any potential hazards to do this though.
Reinhardt does hardcore training with Blacburn - now close to a full initiate (1st level) monk. The 1/2 orc boy wants to take the way of the Shadow monk.. Reinhardt attunes with the Spear of Lassivern the Dark and realizes he must sacrifice blood to the ancient relic - daily (or souls/spirits). A chicken - which the Spear grudgingly accepts, warning the monk it will need to give MORE next time - is turned to dust much to the dismay and anger of Tyng the Laughing Moon's cook and Arjhan whom wanted it for dinner!
A message arrives for Reinhardt from Waterdeep - seemingly from a vendor whom wants a list of basic supplies. At first the monk thinks this is a task he has to perform.. A perceptive Aust sees Thieves Cant message in the wax seal. It reads that "We have found your Father".
Arjhan does a few shifts in the Laughing Moon tavern with Zee and Mishapp and makes some good tips in gold and silver! Visits the Dragon. Sees his 'egg'(?) the Dragon is taking care of has cracks forming and a some sounds can be heard from it. From a very perceptive roll he thinks it could be a week or so before it hatches!
Aust acquires his naga-skinned chain shirt now enhanced with some unique magic by the Dame of Flame and Metals smithy. The bard visits the Cardinal and has a revealing discussion regarding both Raff (now doing hard labour for 20 years and Rurrick - 5000gp bounty). Aust spends time with his flying steed, his hedgehog and raven. The Bard has a fine evening with Zee up on the battlements of the Tower-Inn. It seems the two have feelings for each other. Mishapp seems to approve as well as he looks up to Aust as a father (according to Zee).
Rurrick works on a bi-pod mount for one of the 8' long magical bows (formerly used by the Black Duke's giant skeletal archers) for Reinhard - longer arrows are still needed for the weapon... Latisha the gnome engineer is very happy to help in the forge, showing off some fine skills.
The day was going so well and then Arjhan, Aust and Rurrick (using Aust's cloak of disguise as there is still a 5000gp bounty for him!) visit Thurr Tyyne the vendor of green flaming red pickles and other unique and sometimes magical items:
Arjhan eats a pickle:
A fully functional, armed and crewed AIRSHIP (around 30' long) appeared above the Laughing Moon Tower! The large sail has the Laughing Moon insignia emblazoned upon it.
Quick thinking by Aust and party to advise the Imperium soldiers that the ship was NOT hostile allowed it to survive as a variety of Imperium anti-aircraft devices were starting to focus on the ship!
Rurrick has a mind to get into the pickle business! After some failed deception to try and get some fertilizer or other growth ingredients for the pickles, discusses partnership with Thurr Tyyne The tiefling ponders this, advises there may be some options there, but Rurrick will need to bring quite a bit to the table to become a partner..
The Star Gem awaits.. the final piece of the artifact to keep Tharizdun slumbering, Will the Laughing Moons survive the memory siphoning liquids of the Astral Sea?
Morthos confirmed the Rod of 3 Parts would allow the holder to open a gate and transport the party to the Astral Plane. He started to attune with one of the 3 rods and it melded itself into his pact weapon enhancing the blade dramatically! Morthos determines that if the other 2 rods are added he thinks it may enhance his weapon even more.. he is not sure if it has any potential hazards to do this though.
Reinhardt does hardcore training with Blacburn - now close to a full initiate (1st level) monk. The 1/2 orc boy wants to take the way of the Shadow monk.. Reinhardt attunes with the Spear of Lassivern the Dark and realizes he must sacrifice blood to the ancient relic - daily (or souls/spirits). A chicken - which the Spear grudgingly accepts, warning the monk it will need to give MORE next time - is turned to dust much to the dismay and anger of Tyng the Laughing Moon's cook and Arjhan whom wanted it for dinner!
A message arrives for Reinhardt from Waterdeep - seemingly from a vendor whom wants a list of basic supplies. At first the monk thinks this is a task he has to perform.. A perceptive Aust sees Thieves Cant message in the wax seal. It reads that "We have found your Father".
Arjhan does a few shifts in the Laughing Moon tavern with Zee and Mishapp and makes some good tips in gold and silver! Visits the Dragon. Sees his 'egg'(?) the Dragon is taking care of has cracks forming and a some sounds can be heard from it. From a very perceptive roll he thinks it could be a week or so before it hatches!
Aust acquires his naga-skinned chain shirt now enhanced with some unique magic by the Dame of Flame and Metals smithy. The bard visits the Cardinal and has a revealing discussion regarding both Raff (now doing hard labour for 20 years and Rurrick - 5000gp bounty). Aust spends time with his flying steed, his hedgehog and raven. The Bard has a fine evening with Zee up on the battlements of the Tower-Inn. It seems the two have feelings for each other. Mishapp seems to approve as well as he looks up to Aust as a father (according to Zee).
Rurrick works on a bi-pod mount for one of the 8' long magical bows (formerly used by the Black Duke's giant skeletal archers) for Reinhard - longer arrows are still needed for the weapon... Latisha the gnome engineer is very happy to help in the forge, showing off some fine skills.
The day was going so well and then Arjhan, Aust and Rurrick (using Aust's cloak of disguise as there is still a 5000gp bounty for him!) visit Thurr Tyyne the vendor of green flaming red pickles and other unique and sometimes magical items:
Arjhan eats a pickle:
- transports off to the ethereal plane and then reappears
- Black pupiless eyes
- turned into raspberry jello man
- Becomes rooted into the ground - his feet growing roots and digging into the earth
- Grows an set of extra teeth! Which makes it difficult for Aust to talk, sing, persuade, deception and do most of his bardic abilities!
- Summons a neon pink hedgehog - whom he names Amy(so cute!)
- Genie in a bottle - this one looked like it could have been a ending for Aust as he took the place of the genie in the bottle! The party confronted the djinn as he tried to escape! After some quick thinking and spell work, Aust was able to escape which then captured Keena in the bottle! Aust then started negotiating with the djinn. Some tremendous persuasion by Aust allows the bard to get **1 wish** Thinking quickly he decided to write down EXACTLY what he was going to wish for- having heard tales and legends of how this could go VERY bad (NEVER wish for a +3 Dwarven Thrower! advice from Dad) - with some advice and comments from the Laughing Moons - and sulking and badgering from the djinn for taking so long - Aust spoke his wish and lo and behold:
A fully functional, armed and crewed AIRSHIP (around 30' long) appeared above the Laughing Moon Tower! The large sail has the Laughing Moon insignia emblazoned upon it.
Quick thinking by Aust and party to advise the Imperium soldiers that the ship was NOT hostile allowed it to survive as a variety of Imperium anti-aircraft devices were starting to focus on the ship!
Rurrick has a mind to get into the pickle business! After some failed deception to try and get some fertilizer or other growth ingredients for the pickles, discusses partnership with Thurr Tyyne The tiefling ponders this, advises there may be some options there, but Rurrick will need to bring quite a bit to the table to become a partner..
The Star Gem awaits.. the final piece of the artifact to keep Tharizdun slumbering, Will the Laughing Moons survive the memory siphoning liquids of the Astral Sea?
Lassivern The Dark's Spear
The Spear of Lassivern the Dark. A monk of the Order of the Scarlet Brotherhood on the continent of GreyHawk. Lassivern was a powerful monk whom did not dwell in the confines of a monastery. He ventured out to complete and fulfill the needs, desires and instructions of a higher power - unknown at this time. Completing many quests, both for evil and some good even, but always lawful the histories say.
At one time the leader of the Order of the Scarlet Brotherhood for over 100 years, it is unknown except perhaps by sages and historians how he fell from power. He disappeared from history, and his powerful weapon the Spear was lost as well.
It seems the weapon has resurfaced - used by the Black Duke to control the Rod of 3 Parts, and now to be used by one of the Heroes of the Laughing Moons........
The broad leaf-bladed weapon is close to 8 and a 1/2 feet in length. The head of the spear looks to be made of a mixture of adamantite and mithril. The Haft being of a unknown black metallic substance, a close look reveals what look to be stars and swirling galaxies. They seem to move....
- The Spear of Lassivern the Dark
- Sentient weapon - telepathic connection to wielder the sentience has no name it will give..
- +3 weapon
- Life
stealing - if
hit is +10 higher or a natural 20, wielder is healed d6hp. When this hit
is made the blade of the spear will absorb the creature’s blood into the
(No effect versus undead, constructs) - On killing blow - if creature has a spirit or soul - will suck it out in a ghastly manner.. Draining creature to a dried husk that falls to dust. (No effect versus undead, constructs) welder gains 1 temporary level for 1 hour. (With all appropriate abilities hp, ac etc.) max 1 level gain even if multiple creatures killed.
- Blood Sacrifice - The spear requires blood sacrifice once daily. The blood sacrifice can be: killing blow (as above), Life stealing (as above) or wielder make a DC18 wisdom check or will cut his/her own arm to feed the weapon - d10+3 damage. Each day not fed adds +1 to DC.
- Summon d4+1 Shadow Fey monks
- conjuration
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 60 feet
- Component s: V, S, M (the spear must have been “fed” in blood from a creature killed within the past 24 hours)
- Duration: Concentration , up to 1 hour
- Usable once per 24 hours
- Under mental control of wielder. If they move out of 60’ range, fade back to shadow fey.
Small Humanoid
(Shadar Kai), Lawful Neutral
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 45
Speed: 40 ft.
Saving Throws: Str +3, Dex +6
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances: cold, necrotic
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception
Languages: Sylvan
Fey Ancestry:
advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can’t
put sleep.
Ki-Empowered Strikes: The monk’s unarmed
strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance and
Bonus Action: The monk can use a bonus action
to take the Dodge, Disengage, or Dash action
Mental Fortitude: advantage on Wisdom and
Charisma saving throws.
Naturally Stealthy: It can attempt to hide even
when it is obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than
Sunlight Sensitivity: It has disadvantage on
attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when it, the
target of its attack, or whatever it is trying to perceive is in direct
Shadow Step (once per summoning): When in dim
light or darkness, as a bonus action, the monk can teleport up to 60 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see that is also in dim light or darkness. It then has
advantage on the first melee attack it makes before the end of its turn
Attacks: The monk makes one stunning strike OR
two unarmed strikes.
Stunning Strike: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, the target
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end
of the monk’s next turn.
Unarmed Strike: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Deflect Missiles: The monk can use its reaction
to reduce the damage of a ranged attack that hit it by (1d10 + 5). If the
damage is reduced to 0, it can catch the missile, if it’s small enough to fit
in its hand and you have at least one hand free. If it catches a missile using
the Deflect Missiles ability, it can make a ranged attack using the ammunition
it just caught as part of the catching reaction. This attack is made with
proficiency, and the ammo is considered a monk weapon.
Slow Fall: The monk can use its reaction when
it falls to reduce any falling damage it takes by 3
Retreat, Rest and Recovery!
The Black Duke lies dead at the feet of the Laughing Moons. The walls of
the glass sphere are cracking letting in torrents of sea water as the party
members breathe deeply, dripping sweat and blood.
Antiuss the wizard looks down and as the party members race for the
glowing gate back to the Laughing moon Headquarters, he negotiates with
Aust summons an ogre skeleton as well as a tiger from his variety of summoning
magical items to gather treasure and the fallen.
Namfoodle animates skeletons to bring back other potential bodies with
loot. The animated skeletons head towards the gate.. and then fall to pieces
when Namfoodle steps through the gate and his magic can no longer hold them
Reinhard waits with Aust until the end and sees Antiuss create a shield
on the pulpit to hold out the sea water from him, the Black Duke and one of the
elvish triplets.. then the 2 heroes step through the gate and it closes, water lapping at their feet.
The Warlock is there and very happy to see the party alive!
Resting takes place as well as healing.. identifying magic items.. and
All the Laughing Moons breathe a sigh of relief! One final step to
keeping the Chained One slumbering finding the Jewel to use with the Rod of
Three Parts!
- Reinhardt who's monkish talents allow him to rest very little goes to the Imperial Headquarters to inquire about seeing the Cardinal - regarding raising the Captain, Sergeant and Raff. (all burnt husks at this point). He meets with 2 halfling lieutenants - the Cardinal is too busy.
- Namfoodle contacts the Octad with his SendingStone - it seems the assassination of Arch-wizards continues.. only 2 survive now: Crassus (Illusion) and Vincaarr (Abjuration)
- Morthos looks at the trident which is Rod of Three Parts. Using his arcane skills he is able to remove the 3 rods (one part petrified wood, one part mithril and one part adamantite) Doing this in the room with the massive statue/idol to Tharizdun turns out to be a risky and dangerous move as it seems to have other effects while in the presence of the giant statue! A close call but the 3 rods are taken out of the room! For some reason the 3 parts do not fit together. Insight show that a key component is missing - the Star Gem. Holding the 3 rods in hand the Morthos sees the location of the gem - a lonely island with what looks to be a tall lighthouse - in the astral plane!
- There is discussion between some party members whom will use the powerful & sentient Spear of Lassivern the Dark.. (once the trident which held the rod of 3 parts)
- Aust takes some time to rest and starts restoring the variety of statues (petrified assumedly by the beholder):
- Ceesaria 1/2 elf woman (7th level wizard of illusion)
- Blacburn 1/2 orc boy (0.5 level Monk). Ward of Ceesaria - Blacburn has taken some interest in Reinhard and is hoping the powerful monk will show him the ways of the martial artist. Ceesaria seems to have a softspot for Reinhardt with this relationship forming with her ward.
- Hogan Gustbeen 1/2ling (Rogue level: ??) He Seems to be a very proficient arcane trickster whom is willing to do some work for the party.. for now.
- Latisha Flowerstorm gnome woman (8th level engineer) She is willing to do some work with the party for now as well
- Mishapp human(?) boy (Class unsure at this point.. leaning towards bard) - legs were petrified - Aust had an interesting encounter with Zee (bartender at the tavern) - whom may have taken a shine to Aust..?
- Aust had asked Sir Rael Nero Falragin, the 3rd - the caretaker and living puppet whom resides in the bard's bag of holding - to take the statues for the venture and with some little reluctance, the puppet had done this. Always asking for more building materials and food..
- Many take advantage of the newly renovated (but not quite finished) Paridiso gardens(?), deep in Headquarters of the Laughing Moons.. where healing and rest take 1/2 the time due to the healing capabilities of the spring and more.
- Aust ventures up into the tavern to see a duo of bards doing some practice. It seems this brother and sister are quite good. Hilda and Prescott have a week long gig at the tavern and have been bringing in the crowds. Aust joins them and learns some new tunes as well as shows them what a Master Bard can do..
A trader is met in the bar - Ampelos - whom Aust
speaks to about seeing the portly fellow's wares on his and his friends'
wagon in the next day or so. He also is able to get his Naga armour - the dwarf automaton from the Golden Citadel is not completely restored as of yet.. another week or so.
- Reinhard returns to the Imperial HQ with the bodies of the Captain, Sergeant and Raff. They are taken by the 2 halfling lieutenants and he is advised they will hopefully be resurrected with the next day or three.
- It seems there is a bounty of 5000 gold - DEAD or ALIVE for Rurrick the dwarf warrior. There is a extremely well created portrait on the sheets of paper which are plastered all over the town. It seems the Imperium is the contact, with the original bounty coming from House Martana - a powerful family (?) in Waterdeep.
Word comes back from the Imperium by message that the Captain has been
restored to health. the Sergeant - his brother - did not get resurrected - by
choice it seems. Raff was also brought back and has been placed in chains (She
was a deserter originally it seems from the Imperium when she was a soldier for
the Black Duke) and will be off to Imperium prison/hard labour for the next 20 years!
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