A few tasks the group decide upon:
Following up on the bounty for Rurrick: Rurrick - in disguise - with Aust, Reinhardt head off to visit the House Martana located in the North ward. Taking a carriage they have an uneventful journey there. It seems to be a warehouse or some type of business as they squat brick building has no windows, a set of double doors and a small door with a sign above with the letters HM
asks about any bards and hears of one of the best: Rhistall Fengalla, as well 2
others that have performed at the party's tavern! A brother and sister: Hilda
and Prescott

After some discussion and planning; as well as words with a suspicious Waterdeep guard and a small boy selling apples (chased by a storekeeper for the apples!), the LMs scout the building and seeing signs of disrepair and little use in many months, they break in! Investigation by all the party shows that the building looks to be an importer/exporter type business, not used in many months. Rurrick invokes the power of his hammer to scan for treasure and after a while.. found! Looking to be underneath the ground of the office. The party without shovels and picks start to dig with hands, crowbars and anything they can find. They find a brick wall and decide to smash through! A dark room is found as well as a set of stairs up to the office! Party facepalm
Other than a few bottles of good wine, the party finds some long worm-like creatures that dig into Rurrick's hand and start burrowing up is arm! Quick work but Arjhan and Poppy to blast the grubs with fire. The rest are frozen and then electrocuted by Poppy as well. A black sphere of darkness is found. After most of the party says "No!" Rurrick picks it up and then realizes he cannot put it down! It seems to be a black sphere of shadow.
After some experimentation, as well as stabbing his swords (Shadow blades) into the sphere, he is transported to a shadowy black, grey and white realm. The bard finds himself standing amongst a vast number of humanoid featureless figures.. then looking down he sees another whole level of these humanoids of different shapes and sizes. He safely returns, although time in the shadow(?) realm goes at a different pace.
After arcane study, they first thought the sphere was a failed sphere of annihilation but determine that the sphere is a Gate to the Shadow realm. Usable once per week.
Finding some evidence pointing to an estate out in the East farmlands for House Martana, the party leaves.
They meetup at the airship with Morthos, negotiate getting some armour added to the ship which adds the most excellent protection but may make the ships a little slower at max speed.
Major receives a summons from a 2nd Commander Santo for the Laughing Moons - in
charge of arranging the God emperors event. The party goes to the once grand
castle of Waterdeep, partially in ruins still from the original siege by the
Imperium to take the city, now the Imperium palace. A welcome visit with
Santo whom advises they will be receiving an award from the Imperium for
the great work. 8 days hence.
the LMs are leaving a lieutenant advises the Major and hands an envelope with
the Imperium seal.
are to meet the Chancellor.. Right now. "Mein gott! I have never met
him.. he is the right hand of the God-emperor!"
weapons are taken and then the Laughing Moons head up a long passage wide that turns
into a long ramp upwards darkness on both sides. The party realized after a
while no magic works.
Chancellor a humanoid creature over 8' in height sits on a throne in the middle
of a vast dark chamber. receives them and thanks them cryptically for their
work against Tharizdun. He/It? seems to be able to read each of their
thoughts.. Long fingers over a foot long wave them away in dismissal.
Party decides to follow-up on the estate of the House Martana. Taking a carriage they travel out into the hinterlands. They find the estate and
determine the Martana estate has fell into disrepair. The grapes wither on
vines, gardens are overgrown and more. The gate is locked and chained. The
party goes espionage mode and climbs the wall.
around the overgrown hedge maze and finally up to the boarded up mansion.
goes 2nd story work and breaks-in. It seems then the party notices that the
building still seems to be in use! Noise heard below. Those that broke in exit
the window again and try to repair. and then knock on the door. After some
discussion and confrontation with an upset and sad Elvish Lady Martana and her
daughter and sullen son, the Laughing Moons learn the Lord Martana was killed
in a duel with a scheming Imperium General Zelnas - a master swordsman. They
know nothing of any bounty. and are happy to sign off to cancel the bounty!
They advise the 3 elves they are welcome in Moonlanding. The mother thanks them
and looks to ponder on this seriously as the Martana estate will soon become
the property of the General Zelnas.
to town and to the Broken Sword Inn.
- Aust learns that the Black Diamond thieves guild has not been in contact for a few days.
- Reinhardt gets a message regarding his father to meet a certain Doctor Landeras whom has more information at the Windy Lass - a very expensive and high society tea house, known for its excellent variety of teas, coffee and desserts. There is a reservation for up to 8 people.
task down. where to next Laughing Moons?